Cliffside Bridge Painting

“It’s raining, are we still going out tonight?” That question was asked many times during the day. As it turned out, the rain stopped about an hour before the bridge shoot. The shoot was a go! Walking up to the bridge, a few of us remarked how nice it was to be on the carriage roads that evening. Given the earlier rain we wouldn’t have considered going out that evening, if not for the bridge shoot. We arrived early in preparation to climb under the bridge and down the cliff during daylight. The project continues to grow with three new bridge painter joining us. Everyone was comfortably in place well before dusk, then we waited …

The before shot.

After a couple of shots we quickly realized how ginormous this bridge is. We needed more light, we could have used a few more light painters. Brenda knew what to do, “everyone gets two lights” and she passed out more strobe flashes and flashlights to folks. Now with double-fisted lights we were able to create this incredibly magical image.


Cliffside Bridge Light Painting Acadia National Park

Just as we were wrapping up the last shot, we heard a voice from the bridge above asking, “Which way to Jordan Pond?” Our first thought was, “What does this fellow think we’re up to, under the bridge – illuminating the bridge with flashlights.” After letting that thought pass, we determined that he got lost running. We offered to lead him to Jordan Pond when we were finished. I never heard the final part of the story, but I think someone offered Jim a ride back to his car near Eagle Lake.

The group shot under the barrel against the cliff.

Brenda baked Congo Bars, enjoyed by all (including the lost runner, Jim). We had a double raffle: Kevin won the Jordan Pond Dam Bridge print and Tom won the Little Harbor Brook Bridge print.